The Coop
"The Coop" is a unique after-school art program in Thornbury, Victoria, designed for 9-12-year-olds to explore their creativity in a collaborative and nature-inspired environment. Developed over a three-month period, this brand identity project was completed as part of my Identity Design unit at Deakin University, under Megan Grant’s guidance. Held in a cozy studio surrounded by gardens and animals, "The Coop" offers children an engaging, hands-on art experience with natural materials, blending art and nature in a playful and open setting.
To kick off the project, I carefully analysed the client’s brief, identifying their desire for a brand that felt welcoming and distinct from conventional after-school programs. Through this process, I established key brand attributes: creative, playful, and collaborative, with secondary qualities like supportive and diverse. Competitor research highlighted the opportunity to emphasise "The Coop’s" process-focused approach, where the experience of making art is valued over the final product. This approach guided the brand strategy, emphasising a lively, inclusive community for children to create and explore together.
The brand identity centers on the process-focused, spontaneous nature of creativity. Inspired by play dough’s irregular, colorful forms, the logo and visual elements reflect the dynamic, hands-on experience offered by "The Coop."
Logo Design: The wordmark features flowing, irregular letterforms reminiscent of clay dough, with a sculpted “O” reshaped into an egg to reflect the program’s natural setting and add a playful "aha" moment to the design.
Brand System: A procedural system generates abstract, clay-like shapes, echoing the spontaneity of children’s creative expressions. These forms adapt to both 2D and 3D designs, making the identity versatile across digital and print platforms.
Photography: Imagery highlights children engaging with art in natural light, emphasizing the joyful, hands-on experience and reinforcing the brand’s approachable and uplifting tone.
I provided a comprehensive style guide with clear instructions for consistent application across media, from print to digital. The style guide ensures that future designers can uphold the brand’s playful, creative identity across all materials, giving "The Coop" a cohesive and easily recognisable presence that resonates with children and parents alike.